Saturday 31 July 2010

Home again...

Have now arrived safely back in the Midlands after possibly the best month of my so far… lots of great experiences, great friends, and memorable moments which will stay with me forever!

Nothing major to report on the way home – another crazy drive with Kevin, including several near would-have-been-fatal accidents. This was followed by a friendly and fairly rapid check in – getting out of Jamaica was much easier than getting in. I didn’t sleep a wink on the flight, try as I might, so arrived in England at 9am (3am Jamaica time) excessively tired and feeling disgusting, to met with “Do you fancy a trip to Brighton?” So there I was, 14 hours after I’d left my host family in Black River, walking down Brighton Pier in the windy English summer. We eventually got back on the road only to stop in Guildford to see the Cathedral. I shuffled around the spacious, airy columns like a zombie. I eventually got to bed at 10:30pm English time… I’ve no idea how long I’d been awake by then – but I certainly slept well!

I miss Jamaica already. English roads are so boring compared to the adrenaline rush experienced when negotiating a giant pothole/other vehicle/goat at 120kph; gone are the roadside Jerk shacks, the mountains, and the sunshine. I've got to know Jamaica in an extraordinarily personal way - there is no better way to experience a country than to live with the locals. Bah humbug to all inclusive resorts.

So there we have it. Four weeks in Jamaica… one experience of a lifetime.


  1. You've certainly done it properly! I'm expecting loads of 'you know, when I was in Jamaica....' stories when we get back to college. There must be loads of things that didn't quite make it to the blog :p

  2. Yes! I second that. Then there will be much vicarious reliving of memories :)
